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7 tips to beat analysis paralysis & level up your business

Beat indecision caused by analysis paralysis and start scaling your business with these practical tips.

In the modern business world, data is everything. Nearly every major decision a successful business makes is done so after pouring over a variety of metrics and other key performance indicators. But there comes a point where there's too much data, too much analysis, and too much time trying to come up with the perfect answer. This is resulting in decisions taking longer than they should, or never being reached at all. In this post, we'll discuss some ways to deal with that.

What is analysis paralysis?

Analysis paralysis occurs when a decision-maker overthinks or overanalyzes a situation, halting the ability to move forward with action. This inevitably, slows down progress as they spend more time than they need trying to reach a decision. This paralysis causes delays that negatively affect business outcomes. Analysis paralysis can happen as a result of trying to process too much data, as a side effect of fearing the outcome of a decision, or out of a desire for a perfect solution where none exists. 

How does analysis paralysis affect decision-making in business?

With the basic definition aside, let's take a deeper look at the common ways in which the decision-making process at a business can fall into the trap of paralysis of analysis. 

The paradox of choice

Psychologist Barry Schwartz famously wrote a book entitled The Paradox of Choice. In it, Schwartz outlines a study that showed people will sometimes choose nothing at all if they are presented with more options than they can, or are willing, to process. Although there's been some debate about how universal the problem is, the science seems to indicate that too much choice in a domain someone is unfamiliar with can result in analysis paralysis as they struggle to make sense of options they are ill-equipped to make sense of. 

Over-analyzing for the best outcome

Over-analyzing a problem can come when you've collected too much data and aren't sure which metrics are the ones that will have the most impact on your decision. It can also happen when you have enough data, but for one reason or another feel that you don't have the information you need. In those instances, time is spent trying to find data that isn't important and might not even exist. 

Not having enough data to provide an answer

This is the opposite problem to the one above. Sometimes, the information you need to make an informed decision isn't available to you. When this happens, coming up with the correct answer can feel more like guesswork than an important business decision should. Lack of data required to make a decision, or lack of knowledge about what data points are important to that decision can also result in making bad decisions even when analysis paralysis doesn't set in. 

Pressure to make a good decision that impacts your bottom line

This is a very common problem in business. Everyday decisions might be easy for a decision-maker to quickly come to an answer on, but huge decisions with large ramifications can bring on analysis paralysis. The effect here is similar to a deer in the headlights. The magnitude of the decision becomes a barrier to finding a solution because overwhelming fear of making the wrong choice leaves people constantly second guessing themselves. 

7 tips to overcome analysis paralysis

Even before you saw the more detailed list of how analysis paralysis occurs, you likely thought of at least of few times in your life when you've experienced the phenomenon. It happens to the best of us. Even those who are generally decisive can run into a problem that has them scratching their head and putting off the solution. So, how do you deal with analysis paralysis when it occurs and avoid letting it have a negative effect on your business? Let's look at seven tips that can help.

1. Clarify your goal

It's commonly stated that you can't get where you're going if you don't know your destination. Sometimes, we have a vague idea of what we are trying to achieve and try to reach a decision based on that. Instead, you should clarify your goal and narrow it down to something that is more easily quantified and analyzed. 

2. Treat your decision-making process like a to-do list

To-do lists are great for productivity. They help motivate us to take the steps on the list so we can cross everything off and get that warm feeling when you've accomplished your goals. By treating the decisions you make like a to-do list, you'll find yourself bringing in a little extra motivation to help you power through the struggles and make a decision. 

3. Break down important decisions into small actionable steps

Imagine you're taking a trip to a very specific destination, but instead of looking at a map, you just get on the road and start driving. You're likely to get overwhelmed very quickly as you try to stay laser focused on road signs that may be miles away from the ones you need to be paying attention to. Decisions are the same way. Mapping them out into discrete steps ahead of time makes them easier to manage.

4. Get input from your team

You don't have to make every decision alone. A trusted team of advisors can go a long way in helping you cut through the indecision and bring clarity to the situation. Often, someone on your staff will have knowledge that you don't, or be able to bring a unique insight to the problem. Don't be afraid to ask those people for help. 

5. Don't override your gut reaction

Many times, analysis paralysis sets in because you've made a decision and then talked yourself out of it. Trusting your gut doesn't necessarily mean that you just go with whatever's on the top of your head without looking at the data, but it does mean you should be wary about second guessing yourself after you've looked at the problem thoughtfully and arrived at a solution. 

6. Leverage technology to preserve mental energy

We live in the age of big data, where machines are crunching numbers at a far faster rate than we can, and finding patterns that would take many humans hundreds of years to find. For instance, start involving automatic time mapping software in your workflow to track time spent on projects, eliminating the possibility of human error.  Making use of these number-crunching algorithms, automation systems, and data visualization tools will cut down on the amount of fluff you have to sort through, so you can get to the meat of the problem. 

7. Accept that there is no best decision, only learning opportunities

Thomas Edison famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This is an important philosophy to adopt, because being too afraid of failure shields you from the learning opportunities that arise from making less than ideal situations. While nobody wants to fail, and you should certainly try not to, you shouldn't fear failure because it's how we grow. 

Beat analysis paralysis and grow your business with Profitwell Metrics

Sometimes, having the right tools at your disposal is all you need to stave off the specter of analysis paralysis, ensure that you're making timely decision for you business, and coming to the right solution when you do so. ProfitWell Metrics, a free tool from Paddle is one such tool. Let's look at how ProfitWell Metrics can help you make quicker, more informed decisions. 

Save time and energy processing data

One of the problems we mentioned that leads to analysis paralysis is having too much data. In reality, it isn't so much the presence of too much data that's the problem. Instead, it's not having that data presented in away that easily digestible. ProfitWell Metrics is designed to provide SaaS businesses with the metrics they need. As a result, it presents important information in an easy-to-read way. You'll have all the data you want, without getting bogged down. 

Fight indecision with clarity on your metrics

ProfitWell doesn't just provide you with a great tool for monitoring your metrics. You'll also find a ton of information about what those metrics mean and how to use them to improve business outcomes. Armed with that information, you'll know exactly what metrics to look at when you need to make a decision. 

Reduce "wrong choices" with data

Not having enough data was another cause of analysis paralysis. As you learn the key performance indicators available to you in ProfitWell Metrics, and how they are used in the decision-making process, you'll never again have to worry about not having enough information to make an informed decision. When you see how having the right data available to you benefits your business, you'll also become more confident in your decision-making. 

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Analysis Paralysis FAQ

What is analysis paralysis in business?

Analysis paralysis describes an individual or group that is unable to make a decision or take action due to overanalyzing or overthinking a situation. This could be through overthinking the problem, falsely believing a solution is just around the corner, having too much data to sort through, or not having enough data to form an accurate enough assessment of the situation. 

How do you beat paralysis of analysis?

You can avoid analysis paralysis by better understanding the metrics that are important to your decision-making process. By narrowing the scope of your analysis to the variables that have the most impact, you can reach a decision more quickly. Sometimes, the problem is not having enough data to make a decision. In these cases, the answer is the same: understand which metrics are important and start tracking them. 

Do you have analysis paralysis?

Sometimes, decisions are difficult and take longer than usual to make. This alone doesn't mean you're a victim of analysis paralysis. However, if a pattern of behavior emerges where decisions frequently take too long, and you find yourself continuously pouring over data that ultimately has no effect on outcomes, you've likely found yourself in analysis paralysis. 

Is overthinking the same as analysis paralysis?

Overthinking a problem is one form of analysis paralysis, though there are other circumstances that could lead to the problem existing. For example, the decision maker may incorrectly feel a solution will be forthcoming and delay their decision while the await a change that never happens.

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