
Selling your mobile app on the web: Proven tactics to earn more revenue

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Failed payment recovery
Smarter payment recovery

Intelligent Dunning systems tackle churn with the highest payment recovery rates on the market.

Cut involuntary churn by up to 17%

Retain automatically recovers users that have churned due to payment failure and expired payment methods.

Seamless renewals

Retain makes it easy and frictionless for users to update their payment details when a payment fails.

Higher payment acceptance

Optimized retry logic analyzes billions of data points to boost payment acceptance rates.

Proactive intervention

Prevent churn before it happens by identifying & updating expiring cards.

Make staying subscribed easy

  • Seamless experience
  • Localized
  • Google Pay/Apple Pay
  • No sign in required
Retain makes it easy for your users to update their payment details when a card expires

Optimized retry logic

Tactical Retries studies data from millions of payment failures and the metadata from your customer to know exactly the right time to retry a card based on day of week, failure code, type, location, etc.

  • Works and optimizes based on product type, card type, location (and 15+ other factors)
  • Works seamlessly with your billing system's smart retries

Retain allows us to improve our core product experience and use Retain as a white-label solution to increase revenue recovery and retention.

Paul YacoubianFounder & CEO, Copy.ai

Stop bleeding customers in 30 minutes flat

Retain plugs right into your existing billing system and works automatically in the background to help prevent churn. Keep development time to a minimum with Paddle Retain.

  • Simple integration
    Just configure your account and add the javascript snippet.
  • Plug and play
    Retain works with your existing billing stack, no need to change payment providers.
  • Custom branding
    Give your customers a fully branded experience in a few clicks.
  • Fully compliant
    Compliant with GDPR, SOC2 and more straight out of the box.
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Cut customer churn by 25-30%, automatically, with Retain

Win back customers before they're lost forever with automated dunning and churn intervention